hello readerss (as if somebody reads my blog ckck)
have you noticed if there's any changes from my style of blogging ?
hehe .
due to my teacher's influence , i decided to write in a simpleeeeeeee way
well , not all the time . just sometimes . hehehe
today was .. normal
kinda funny as usual
did not swim today cuz i had my stupid stomach ache :/
then walked around the school with vne , sil , dennise n ninna
talked lotsa things :p
actuallyy i supposed to practice comp now but ended up blogging
but this is just a quick post
i mean a short one
i'm sososoo damn lazyy now
but i feel much better like this
being a normal girl .. i can be lazy n hardworking at anytime
lalala ~
wish me luck for the tests ! :)
Mar 30, 2010
Mar 28, 2010
are you afraid ? :)
finallyyyyyyyyy it's 28 of March alreadyy
today was my grndma's bday @ Table8 (Mulia Hotel)
plenty of people who I do not want to see , but it doesn't matter at all
lotsa western ppl there :P (you know what i mean,right?)
today i wore a strapless dress
kinda frustating but i used several methods to make sure that everyhing is going to be ok if i wear strapless dress :P
i ate a looooooooot today , the food was kinda nice :9
sorry no picta for today
i really forgot to take some pictures
anyway ..
the conspiracy has further developed again
even that person's close friends have joinned too (wew ..)
i also can't believe you said that behind your close friends .. ckck
for : the person who felt
now i knew everything already
well , i already knew a long time
i never made any problems with you , i rarely talk to you
but WHY you keep on talking about me behind my back ?
nice !
ha-ha .
you told others that i'm the reason why you are sad that i've betrayed you , blah blah blah
i never ever betray you !
no wonder she hates you before
you always think like blahblahblah
think before you talk
i have so many proofs and sources
hope you know who you are
Mar 27, 2010
conspiracy ♥
Julius Caesar ROCKS ppl !
it inspires 9A to make a conspiracy too ;)
i love love loooooovee 9A ♥
a very funny class
lotsa supportive friends
ytd chatted with the conspirators till almost midnight .
too bad i have to leave first ytd *sighsss*
the conspiracy has developed A LOT anyways
lotsa conspirators too ;)
btw i got a good song
(click to download)
i love that song so much :D
*change topic*
2 days ago ,i watched Hachiko
a very very saaaaaaaaaaad movie :'(
my sis n me cried watching thisss T__T
so saad
hachiko is sooo loyal
i miss my doggy , Chikii .
but Chikii has gone already T_T
since that day , my mom dun allow me to hav dogs agaiin .
Mar 26, 2010
be original
hellooooo readers :DD
finnaly it's friday again !
so many things happenned these days
ytd was dnise's bday
happy birthday Dennise Diah Iskandar ♥
hope you can be prettier
smarter , slimmer , more HOT !!
after ytd's coaching i splashed her
the day before her bday , she told me that she's going to bring shower cap n raincoat
sheila gave her korea dictionary as her pressie
i'm going to give her accessories :)
today our school also had speech thgy during the club
so nice :D
" .. the person you love the most has the greatest possibilites to hurt you the most .. "
awkayy ppl
do you know the probs in the school ?
oh , well , i mean the hot topic everybody's talking about currently
omg i can't believe this is happening
i've seen everything
lots of witnesses n ppl told me stories about 'it'
i'm sorry i'm saying this but i just still can't believee it
one of my friend told me some stories n backtracks about 'it'
i was really really shocked
i was like 'did you evr do that? and why ? why u lied to me also ? i thought i could trust you !'
well i'm not a backstabber anw
that's why i speak OPENLY here
i speak the truth right here
during yts's PCB class , we talked a lot about it
*i loooveee group 3 veryyy much :) ♥*
i can't believe that everybody knew abt it n we were on the same side too
wew i really don't know what to do anymore
i'm just supporting in the right side
btw btw
these are the messages that i would like to share to you all
some are from my english teacher ;)
when you did something wrong , just admit it . only COWARDS will never admit the he/she has done something wrong
be yourself , do not follow other what people do n all . only COWARDS will always be afraid to express him/herself
COWARDS will always live in fear .
COWARDS will always pretend to others that nothing has happenned because he/she is afraid
from Julius Caesar
wanna chat with my frenny ;)
Mar 21, 2010
friendship never dies
yoyo ppl !
ytd i spent the whole day (yeah almost) with Oviene n Sheila :D
we went to GI . so much much fun
vne n sil picked me up at 11 . well actually sheila's mom was the one who drove us to GI
our first stop was blitz .. we watched
veryy nice :D
the theatre was not crowded at all
we watched in 3D
the dragon's name is Toothless !!
so funny
we also got some vouchers from Blitz
photobox thgy
the photo is currently with Oviene :)
*vne!!! scan itttttt ;) *
ate at Sushi Grooveee
yumm :9
Sheila used small" money
we went to Zara ,F21 , Phoebe & Chloe , Gramedia (me n sil bought some books) , etc etc
went to Kinokuniya also . vne n sil read Diary of Whimpy Kid
in the middle of the silence, sil laughed .. wkwkkwkw
it was sooo much funn :D
we also went to Little Things She Needs
actually we r planning to buy a pair of flat for our frenny , but i forgoooooooot to buy ittttttt
1 for 129
2 for 199
very" cheap :D
vne said taht wearing that kind of shoe is super comfyy
mommy!! buy meeeee
at about 6 , my fam arrived :D
ate at Suhi Groove AGAIN with my sista
omg ..
what a sushi day ..
bought a dress also ..
my sista shopped a lot
well .. againn i'm not in a mood to blog
Mar 20, 2010
Mar 19, 2010
I'd never sing of love , if it does not exist
hellooooooooooo ppl :D
it's finally friday again !
time goes so fast , isn't it ?
got all the monthly results .. blablabla ~
today during the club i talked A LOT with vne , sil , rosa ..
we were laughing at an idiot woman
she poop in the public! omg omg
then vne called ndre to see it too . then ..
very funny ending !
btw btw btw do you all know d-na ?
new kpop band :D

from all the member , he's my favourite :DD
here's the group's pictaahh
no comment for the rest of the members :x
The youngest idol group D-NA sets to debut.
Ahead of their official debut, they had their debut showcase on 3rd March in Seoul ShinSaDong YoonDang Art Hall. These singers had spent the past 3 years in preparation for their debut. And they picked group Dong Bang Shin Ki as their role model, determined to be the 2nd Dong Bang Shin Ki.
The group consists of 5 members HyunMin, In Joon, GaRam, Jay and Mika. They are known for their good vocal capabilities and harmony as well as their dance capabilities.
Their group name (대국남아, D-NA) also mean ‘the boss’ or ‘the boys of super space’ showing their aim to be the most influential artist. Their average age is 17 years old, which is the youngest amongst all idol groups in Korea.
Even though they had not officially debut, their homepage had already over 40K members, showing the amount of interests they had garnered.
Meanwhile, the group released the MV teaser to their debut song ‘Tokyo Boy’ on 28th February.
Meanwhile, the full song to ‘Tokyo Boy’ will be released on 4th mMarch and they will be performing on all weekly music shows.
try their song too people :D
maybe you will like it
click for download link ;D
i got this song from my friend
omg there are so many ants hereee
i dunno why .. what's inviting the ants to come near to me? =="
2moro gonna spend my whole day at GI PI with my lovelieeess
i don't have much to say
so toodles :P
download song,
Mar 16, 2010
Cause what’s true, about you! Who are you when I’m gone?
loha lohaaaa ppl :D
today's a holiday mans !
so bored today
i'm so panic today =="
my bro is sick . well his fever at first was only 38.6 , but 10 mins later it turns to 39.2
omg omg omg
i was really panic T__T
he keeps on crying also .. mom was also panic too . she called home for so many times from singapore
it was really sad when wins told mom "mama come back home pleaaaaseeee :("
he was crying at that time (when mom called)
maybe some of you think these things r just nothing
thanks to sheila n my auntie n uncle for today :')
one of my friend made me more stress than ever
so annoying . HUFFT
btw i found this song on the net
<just click to download it ;) >
i duno why i love that song ..
today's looklet
p.s. those of you who has looklet , visit my page !
the boo ♥
not in a mood to blog
2moro's school anw =_________=
download song,
the boo
Mar 15, 2010
I am finding out that maybe I was wrong
That I've fallen down and I can't do this alone
Stay with me, this is what I need, please?
Sing us a song and we'll sing it back to you :)
We could sing our own but what would it be without you?
hellow ppl !
well that's just a song okay ? not for real
*too impossible*
2moro's holiday ppl!
soo damn happy :D
today was quite fun as usual .. i shifted my seat today :D
in front of oviene
beside me was richard n albert , we laughed the whole day !
richard has just fell from stairs n n .. HUAHAHHA
kaki gw thu kt bkp gw ud kaya nangka tau ga! sinseh yg pertama SALAH !!
me , vne , albert n yose laughed like mad
i almost cried! hahahha
anw , melissa also said that her feet hurts like richard also
get well soon :)
happy birthday to handy also :D
it's the ides of marh man!
spend most of the day stressing and making looklets :P
i dunno why i've been really crazy with looklet
well i'm still a beginner in these stuffs ><
but i got hearts from a girl which is on the top 5 at looklet :D
so happyyyy
thankyouuuuu ;) (whoever u r) wkwkwk
btw btw btw
i can't believe i've just read her blog !
all the UNEXPECTED NAMES r mentioned in her blog
omg omg omg
btw again
this one is for YOU
i know you're reading my blog
why u keep on thinking that i hate you ?
isn't this enough?
i'm sick if this
i'm not a type of person who hates ppl easily
i rarely hate people
but when i hate a person , i will usualy curse that person
if you keep on asking me whether i hate you or not , i'm sure going to hate you ! :)
you better be careful
btw i found this songgg
i've been playing audition again these days :P
click to download :)
gotta go ~
bye" ♥
Mar 14, 2010
hey peopleeeeeeee
well rite now i'm just bored
i was doing my geo hw but ended up blogging
my mom n dad have just called from singapore
n they said all the books that i want hv been bought
i duno why i feel so sad suddenly
i've told my parents why n they said that i'm just too stressed about it :(
ytd i hv a bad bad bad nitemare n it scares me more than ever !
12 . 3 . 2010
welll i could conclude that 12.3.10 was great ! :D
actually it's the day i supposed to hang with dnise dkk , but i have to babysit my bro
his school as always .. annual celebration thgy i guess . i don't really know :x
the show was celebrated at mal artha gading at 2 sharp until 4 sharp (really ! it's really" on time . hahaha )
so here's the pic :)
i went there with my sis n my cousins :D
they're sooososo funny XD
well this is the opening of the show ..
2 teachers were saying some speech thgy
thats my lovely auntie :D
she's the principal of the school
the opening performance
they're sooooooo cute !! :D
omg i love the show !
it's really spectacular *lebaii*
will my school be like that ?
after the show , we ran away to MOI
we were bored with artha already ..
so we went to moi to but old chang kee n detergent!
we had no idea to which one is the good one
so we asked the person there then the porson showed us the most expensive one!!!
then i said "sori mba saya lagi bokek"
then she laughed
we also saw this n we laughed like mad!
look at the model!
met with oviene! hahaha
then we talked for a whilee
then me n my cousins ate tutti frutty
ohh ytd we also laughed at this
one of my cousin said that this flower is similar to one of the creatures at school
no offence !!
i bought
well actually not vol 1 one .. hehhe
one of my friend told me that you lied to her
i was kinda shocked to hear that too
i mean i was there when you told me the reason why you couldn't hang with her
your second name should be a liar then :P
no offence
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