Jan 29, 2013

Paramore is back babyy! For those of you who know me well would know that i'm a big fan of theam and i've been longing for their return. At first i w unexpectedly "neutral"

in the kitchen again

new nail art i tried yesterday :D
finally, a sensible post. nothing much to write, but .. i had a chance to experiment in the kitchen here, and here's what i created. i was helped by my housemate though. and lastly, i realized .. how much i miss being busy in the kitchen back then in jakarta. it's quite impossible to cook and bake a lot here i singapore. the kitchen in my rent place is haunted-lookingly dark and the utensils are kinda whatever. well, i can't complain much since this is not my home lol

the seasonings i bought! the post it thing is just to ensure that no one can use my stuffs without permission. my housemate lost his ketchup, which is ridiculously funny. a normal happenings when you live with a bunch of strangers

firstly, i marinated the chicken breast ..

chopped the broccoli into pieces ..

stir-fry-ing the chicken

there was this funny accident. when my housemate was trying to put pepper, the lid just went away and all the pepper landed on the chicken. yes, literally everything. it was like a hill of pepper.
too bad i didn't take the pict for the hill of pepper thing. we straight away scraped all the pepper and here's the result so far. still considerably way to pepperly at this point

almost done! :)

the end result ..

as soon as i reached jakarta, i will definitely experiment more in the kitchen! :p

Jan 18, 2013

we can always begin again

Just had the longest day by far in 2013 and i swear than every second passed like ages. My mood has been atrociously changing like roller coaster. To be frank, even from the start itself i knew that today is going to feel like centuries. Firstly, my rent place is just .. beyond pathetic. I don't know how many hours do most people attend school, but for me, 9 hours of class, with only an hour of break is just ridiculous.

For those who are poly students, they know that their "busiest moment" of the year is coming super soon-ish. My first year in poly is ending soon and yes, i'll be a year 2 student in april! Last year, at these times, i was still longing for my result for the acceptance in poly ckck

Okay. Back to the point.

My final projects are piling up like mountains :( my laptop is crappy (i'm using my phone now). Today was just. Undescribable.

Due to the crappy mood swings, even small things can pissed me off. Well, i'm not a kind of person that explodes easily but.. i can't keep all those by myself too.

*okay.. the posts has been really melancholic, aren't they?

And you, you know who you are. I don't know why and how and what kind of super power you use, but you can comprehend me. Well, thank you for being like that ;_; i am vulnerably moved.

Jan 14, 2013

sweet nothing

okay. this post might be as random as anything .. haha
i miss you broohhh ;_;
a mini reunion :)

calvin harris, you got me this time. all of your songs are toooooo good . these are my daily treats for my hearing organ everytime i'm on my way to somewhere .. in the public transport lol

this is my very favourite! and for some weird reasons, i love the lyrics

So I put my faith in something unknown
I'm living on such sweet nothing
But I'm tired of hope with nothing to hold
I'm living on such sweet nothing
And it's hard to learn
And it's hard to love
When you're giving me such sweet nothing

and and .. *well this one isn't from calvin harris though*


p.s. do follow my instagram if you have :D >> willdycheng

Jan 9, 2013

'sian' day

I know that i've been away the past these days from my blog and pardon me. But today, i don't know why.. like i'm suddenly having this eagerness to be expressive here. Again, this will be a wordy post. But, whatever.

Currently, i gotta say i'm good, but from the title.. yes, for those of you who knows hokkien mandarin will know the meaning of that word. Well, what can i say? Everyone has their own bad days too, right? And so yea, today sucked.

Firstly, i gotta admit that i'm a big thinker, i always be analytical in like every single thing. And this weird habit leads to my daily insomnia. No matter how tired i am in that particular day, i always end up getting all wide awake at night, wondering how do i go to my lala land asap. Even yesterday .. it was a hectic night. Everyone's like rushing to finish the mountainous assignments within that limited time.

Today.. man .. it was hard.. even since the morning itself. And all the unfortunate events just kept on piling up every minutes. But i guess i'm being this vulnerable because of the lack of sleep. Its like i noted every little unnecessary things into a list that formed my 'sian' day. But i did manage myslef to keep my emotions in control so that i don't explode out of the blue.

But i'm not a person to keep things to myself, especially at times like this. But it doesnt mean thati always blurt out things to many. Obnoxiously, only to the ones that i really trust ;). And yeah, i'm good now. And i'm hoping that tommorow will be better.

Lastly, i'm moving on :) *in some things lol