Feb 1, 2012

post chinese new year 2012

again and again .. sorry for being a bad blogger (as if people read my blog). i've been really busy these days and i just got back from singapore for the enterance exam. IT WAS TOO HARD as i was the youngest among all hundreds of shortlisted people, so how can i have same brains with people who are older.

fast recap on this year's chinese new year 
a day before CNY, had a dinner with my family from dad's side. since my grandma lives in here, so the celebration was held in my house. the next day, went to my popo's house to hunt for hongbaos then went to my uncle's house to play . as usual, me and my cousins played and joked a lot. :D at night, my uncle treated the whole fam to eat at a restaurant at kota. seriously, the buildings in kota were so old and scary :s

wait .. whats with my english? so baby-ish

all picts are ci elin's :)

my uncle's family along with my grandma and my uncle's sons. the two girls from the left of this picts are my my cousins' gfs. 

jason's family

icha's family

i look so happy here lol

my family

me and all my cousins, excluding ko edwin

my grandma's daughters and son lol

this crab thing is delish!

ci elin's family

whats with this pose ..

madesu pose

and again .. my face is really weird here

ci bet's family

pheli is looking cute here :D <3


Crystal said...

wow, cool, every single person is wearing red clothes.. well, majority..

willdy cheng said...

yeaa in my fam, red clothes is a must during CNY .. :p