Feb 25, 2012

first of all, don't be bored cuz most of my post all are about these kind of random stuffs >.<
i don't know why, but since my parents went to penang, i began to experiment more on food .. when my mom is here, she'll be shouting at me for messing around in the kitchen too much

the big size ones ..

the small ones. since there were pastry dough remaining idle

some have strange shapes :s

had saturday class as usual .. seriously, school on saturday? -.- spent most of the time karoke-ing with sheila and novita plus .. they hacked my phone .. too much

to novita, if you're reading this, my galon is bigger than yours .. haha


Crystal said...

HAHA..NICE..you wont be dehydrated as long as you keep on drinking that much.. LOL

willdy cheng said...

Nyehehe :p

Anonymous said...

wii you look cute here hahahaahahaha

willdy cheng said...

thank you @anonymous lolol