hoamz ~
exam has started finally . Today is 26th man !!!! it's so fast ckckck. 1 month from now i'm going to ... *yeyy* . lotsa problems at school . nawt my prob actually .. but othr ppl's . ==. HUAAAAAMZZZZZZZZZZZZZ . i dunno why i love to say HUAAAAAAAMZZZ and i'm a soothsayer yeeah :DD . hehehe
spent most of the day in da clinic. stomach hurts like hell ==. could hardly move. asked ms esther whether i could go do the exam earlier n go hum BUT she didn't allow me TT.
but i dunno why (always) before exam i will suffer stomach-ache* thgy . last year my mommy was super worried as if i was going to die . she brought me to the doctor n the doctor said it's just maag due to stress !! ckckckck. but still it hurtss @@
while i was almost asleep in the clinic 1 group of children rushed to the clinic (kindergarten kids) n one of them shouted "MISSSSSSSS KAKI TMN I BERDARAHH HELPPP HERRRR BIS BRANTEEEEEM". i was really shocked !!!!!
*ihh ganggu aj de* ARGHHH. then when i saw that kiddo ' s leg i was OMG it was just a super tinyyyyyyyyyyyyyy scratch ==
then i heard one of them shouted again " IS IT HURT ??? JUST SEE LATER GUA WILL HAJAR HIM"
HUAHAAHHAHAHAHHAAHH omg this 21st century breakdown .. so funny .. even lil kids already used "gw-lu" . hahhahaha
then after they left .. tried to sleep again .. but another kiddo came .. ! this kept on going on again n again ! i could hardly sleep. then after a long loooooong pause where there was silence a guy came like almost crying (like a girl) . then as i was too stressed i said "ih sapaa siiii th brisik bgt! kga bs liad org tnank ap??!!"
it was one of my classmate named denis anputra.
omg ==
there was a lead thgy in his tumb i guess . he was really panicked like being chased by dennise. ckck. the nurse gave him hansaplast thgy with heart pics in it :DD
so funnyy .. he said "ms!! apaan niee!! klo kek gni saya jamin saya bkl d ktwain ama tmn baik saya!! tutupin donk"
HAHAHAHAHHA. but still .. after the nurse gave him another layer to close the heart pic , he still still still dun wanna leave the clinic . my gosh . so hardd to sleep in the clinic. then after that crazy guy left , the nurse told me stories boud his bro (s) . haahahha. even the nurse knew the latest goss boud them . hahahahahahhahaha.
also talked with fio n it was fun :DD
2 hours later . finally my stomach came a lil bit normal :DD
but i became stressed again in the class ciz dnise sat on my chaiiiirr !! arrghhh i still remember when she FART during the comp exam . ckck
then pranked with vne n ndre. talked about ..
but it will never happen , guysss !!
the maths exam was not really hard but i ' m still annoyed by that 3 sig fig thgy ==
Z. my ans was same with earl n sheilaa. but sr said the ans was .... huammzz
2moro my parents r going to work at singapore .. huaaaaamzz huaamzzz
wanna play fb
thaa :DDDD
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