Jul 28, 2013


“Its hard to wait around for something you know might never happen; but its harder to give up when you know its everything you want.” 

My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and try to love somebody and have the courage to accept the love in return.- Maya Angelou

The best revenge is massive success.” – Frank Sinatra

“I am thankful for all of those who said NO to me. Its because of them I’m doing it myself.” – Albert Einstein
"So it’s not gonna be easy. It’s gonna be really hard. We’re gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day…" – Ryan Gosling, The Notebook

 “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.” – Steve Jobs

I want morning and noon and nightfall with you. I want your tears, your smiles, your kisses...the smell of your hair, the taste of your skin, the touch of your breath on my face. I want to see you in the final hour of my life...to lie in your arms as I take my last breath. - Lisa Kleypas

 “Life is short, live it. Love is rare, grab it. Anger is bad, dump it. Fear is awful, face it. Memories are sweet, cherish it.”



Crystal Tika said...

the quotes are really inspiring!

willdy cheng said...

i found them all of a sudden and i think they're pretty amazing so i posted these :)