Jun 19, 2011

the best day

Me and my friends went to Grand Indonesia yesterday to celebrate Kelvin's farewell party. The party was insane :) . And i think it's one of the best parties I've ever had so far . Kelvin will be leaving to Malaysia next week for his studies . Going to miss him for sure ! :(

Firstly, picked up Sheila from her apartment then headed to GI with my mom, bro and sis (they were having credit union). Met up Adrian, Anderson,Demmas and Kasish at Funworld (they were playing MT lol). Then Catoz , Dennise , ci Katherine came . We ate at Kenny Roger's and that was my first time eating there , the food was good though. Then Crystal appeared . I still remember the song played in the restaurant , it was pretty funny ! LOL . Irvan joked a lot about it . Demmas and Adrian ordered food twice 0_0. Dennise and Irvan accidentally ordered the same dish (Irvan even said "jodoh ya!" LOL) . Anderson ordered the most luxurious dishes . haha

After we finished our dishes , we took tons of pictures. Then we roamed around the mall and we bought Kelvin a tee . Ended up hangin in Food Hall then chit-chat-ed ;)

Did not bring my digital camera because the battery was running low , i had no choice but to use my friend's polaroid . Sorry for the bad quality pictures !

I will never forget that day :')


Crystal said...

i should hv switched places with kelvin..i was like the only girl in the boys' row while he was the only guy in the girls' row .

willdy cheng said...

wkwkwk :p

Crystal said...

ahh font colour nya pake ijo..hahaha..paling keliatan uy!