Aug 4, 2012


again , sorry for not posting much these days! >.<
this post is going to be filled with only words and words, so if you find it boring .. don't read 
have picts in the end ! :3

first of all, i'm not going to mention any names and i don't intend to be offensive or anything like that. my rent place here is like our version of jersey shore. well .. so here's the thing.

my two roomies always have their science tuition on thursday and the teacher whom teaches them is a guy. last week, me and my other housemates were studying outside in my rent place's living room. in the living room here, there are two parts, the dining table and the sofa part. we were studying in the "dining table" part which i gotta say is more convenient for studying but when the teacher came, we moved to the sofa part. all of a sudden, that teacher came to us and he said with a sarcastic stupid smile, "you guys are very very noisy, can you guys either move out to other place or keep quiet?" . we were completely stunned.

but since we really wanted to study, we kept our mouth shut and continue studying.  okay i admit it we talked, but we didn't talk until like .. very very noisy. i don't know what's wrong with his ear, really. the teacher and my roomies ended up making super big noise. we can barely study, so me and my housemates ended up going to the nearby seven eleven.

and yesterday .. maybe the teacher was looking for my roomies, he suddenly appeared in my room! he didn't even knock the door and out of the blue, he said "hi" -_- . helloooo.. entering to a girls'  room without knocking? well if its my brother or someone close, its still tolerate able, but this? a random teacher. one of my housemate was going to have her finals in the next day and their noise (the teacher and my roomies) were unbearable. fed up, she ended up asking them to lower the volume, in chinese. when she entered her room, since her room is the nearest to the living room, she overheard them saying, "that indonesian knows mandarin?". yes, they were completely surprised. then the teacher told them "indonesians nowadays understand mandarin. you guys better be careful of em' "

i was speechless

they think that we don't understand mandarin? to be frank, i don't really speak mandarin here, but i do understand chinese. i'm chinese blooded, how can i don't understand even a tiny bit?

me n my housemate ended up going to downstairs to buy something, then we met our other 2 housemates. we told them about whats happening. so on our way back home, one of my housemates shouted purposely, which unfortunately landed in my right ear. then all of a sudden, that teacher said something .. he thought that the two housemates were gangster intruding to the house. rage grew even more. when those two people entered the room, the teacher said "i don't care. i'm not afraid of them. if they want to fight, let's fight"

what the .. -_-

despite of this kind of drama, i think i like living here even more .. me and the other housemates got even closer and we spend quite a lot of time joking and all . and this particular block has become the noisiest unit (out of the other 19 units) which gets the most complain lol



Crystal said...

wow.. that teacher is a nuisance. chill!!!

willdy cheng said...

Yes he is! Eerghhhhh

willdy cheng said...

Ikr! He's a total shameless person