just went back from australia and the trip was fun :D
but so far , my japan trip (2 years ago) is still the best .
1st daywoke up at about 6 and headed to the airport at 8. flied to singapore first for transit . the transit was about 7 freaking hours! so my fam decided to meet our cousins there while the rest of the tour members went to takashimaya . then had dinner at seoul garden :) very yummy ! hehe . thank God i used wita tour, the other tour didn't "get-out-of-the-airport" so they stayed in the airport for 7 hours! phewww :p . hehehe no offense *promoting* then we flied to melbourne for about 7 hours. got the upper deck wohooo :B. my dad sat at business class. aiyoo why only himm :S . but i was satisfied already because of the facilities etcc . watched letters to juliet and it was sweet :) then went to sleep. oiaa ! i met samuel and his sisters (we had the same plane)

@ the airport .

@ the airport .
2nd day
woke up at 4 *aussie clock* (which means 1 a.m. of jakartaaa) . arrived at melbourne and it was freaaaaking cold! it was still winter ! though it was only 6 degree, but it was sooo cold already :s . met my univ friend also :) then we went to victoria market and city-toured . i forgot all the names . HEHEHE. lunch was at thai something". food was delicious :9 . stayed at crown promenade hotel . malls and casino could be found everywhere at that area. we had our dinner at dragon boat. yummeyy ! hoho . after dinner ( as the temperature was pretty low, i got hungry easily. then we ate again . hehehe . ate the beeeeeest macarroni ever !
i look extremely MADESU here ! i was very very sleepy

my bro took this picture

i was hiding my sleepy face hehe

i heart this candy LOL

this is the pizza i bought near the hotel . not better than PHD !
3rd day
we went to brisbane through plane . the plane provided us some australian cookie (macadamia vanilla and apricot cookie) and it was pretty good :) . as we arrived, we immediately headed to china town thingy to eat then we headed to a harbour and went to tangalooma island. it was freaaaaaking cold ! due to see breezes i think . we fed the dolphins and had a buffet dinner . talked alot with some people (including the tour leader) . talked mostly about europe . hehehehe . my mom is dying dying dying to go there but i'm dying dying dying to refuse . haha .
p.s. brisbane is veryy veryyyyyyyyyyy quiet :/ the quietest city i've ever seen so far
4th day
had breakfast . and then we had a desert safari :D . we went to the desert by using a large jeep bus . the road was highly bumpy . the sand was very soft and cold . (we were asked to take off our shoes/sandals , bare foot i mean) . i was not allowed to play the sand slide thingy because i was having flu :( . then we returned to the resort and had lunch (buffet again) . met ricco :D hahaha . then we played golf and archery . fun fun fun . julio was the best at playing archery . ckckck . then we went back to brisbane (ferry) . then (through bus) we headed to gold coast :D . lotsa shopping stores ! we stayed at holiday inn . nice rooms (Y) hehe . we had dinner at the restaurant beside the hotel . the tour leader said that that day's dinner would be special . i forgot the name of the restaurant :/ . we had lobster, abalone, crabs :9 . *i don't like abalone anyways . each person got a plate of abalone . my dad ate 3 plates ! *so greedy LOL no offense*. then we went for a walk . clubs everywhere! E to the W .
5th day
had breakfast as usual . then we went to Movie World :D
the rides (attractions) were pretty thrilling , like :
superman escape .
as the tour leader was pretty insane *NO OFFENSE* , he borught us to this ettraction first . all the teens rode it + the tour leader himslef . we were really nervous at the beginning but in the end , we were like not scary at all ! the speed was too fast that we didn't even feel anything . really . * i don't mean to be proud or something , but really! it was not as scary as i expect*
batwing space shot ! scary at the beginning only . pretty good ride :)
but only me, my sis, ko alvin and andrea who rode it .
we also tried scooby doo spooky coaster . LONGGGGG QUEUE ! ckckckck . but it was pretty good :p . not really scary but just shocking .
theeeeeeen .. i forgot what rides we also tried :/
lethal weapon was the scariest attraction among all . but unfortunately it was raining T-T . only ko alvin and andrea who tried . they said it was good but their ears got slammed . searching for lunch was pretty hard .
anyways, we ate LOTS of churros . yummyyy :9
at about 3.30 , we went to a factory outlet . my dad bought tons of macadamias . hahaha
then we headed back to the hotel and had a buffet dinner . (Y) i ate lots of salmon >.< *i'm getting fatter* . after eating, we went for a walk at surfers paradise . shopped a bit . the sizes were soooooooo big ! especially for pants . T_T
most of the clothes were very expensive ! like cotton on . same dollar price as singapore ! (SGD has much less value compared to AUD)
wellllllllll . thats it for today . i'm sooo hungry now . hope you enjoy this post
imma post the rest days later !
i love these music videos
ke$ha looks like ashley tisdale here ! heart her song <3
this video is sooo sweet :) taylor swift looks pretty
HEY YOUU ! it's up to me on choosing the college that i would like to enroll ! who are you to laugh at my choice ? >:(
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