finally . i'm humey people
it was a wonderful trip .. though it was quite simple .
2 more days , school reopens . hoalaaah :/ . i hope i could do better at level 10 . my parents told me to work harder because they are not satisfied enough with my marks . *sigh*
wish me luck people :DD
anw , i actually used to download new kpop songs from kpopwordpress thing, but i don't know why the web has stopped uploading new songs .. sooo i found this amazing website where you can download new kpop songs .
10000000000000% good quality and free :D
if you like kpop, click here for the web link :)
currently in ♥ with Miss A' s songs .
i've just listened all their songs . pretty good . hehe .
ohh anyways , yesterday .. i turned 15 . hehe . i'm getting old mans ! i hate getting old
i want forever young
lol just joking laa .. hahahaha
me n my fam celebrated my birthday at tony roma's at suntec city . ribs and all . omg so yummeyyy :9
i ate alot . well we all ate too much . hahaha . all my fam members are getting fatter including me :/ .. well actually i'm not that fat . but my stomach .. ohmygoshey .. you know what? my mom never stops saying "DO SOME SPORTS LAAA ! UR STOMACH IS TOO BIG" -_-
we also went to marina bay sands . hehehe . the casino was hella crowded !! i could see the casino from outside . smell of smoke everywhere .
i'm still 15 and i can't play at casino obviously .. hahaha
there was a poster saying something like .. the poster was preteh huge
under 21 , cannot come in . or else fine @ $10000 or 12 months jail. Or both
craaayzeeeeeeeeeh laaa ~
hahaha .
so scary huh? :p
at first, i thought there will be no access to watch worldcup , butttt without any fees , me and my fam were able to watch at home :P @channel 5
i could hardly believe this . but .
i . shopped . alot .
i used to hate shopping but this time .. oh noo . hahaha. but i'm not that shopaholic too . my mom will not allow me to shop tons of stuffs if i am not hardowrking for school stuffs blablablabla.
anw here are the picts :)

mine mineee . hehehe . i ♥ thiss !

this is the swimming pool . pretehh scaryyyyy!!!

even higher than singapore flyer ! visit here if you go to singapore :D

weheheheh :D
chauu ~
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